All uniform shirts must be purchased from our uniform provider, Risse Brothers. No Exceptions! Please label all clothing with your child’s name, especially shirt, jackets and PE uniforms. Consequences may be applied to students for violations of this dress policy. This may include a call to the parent or guardian requesting that appropriate attire be brought to the school in a timely fashion.
Official uniform shirt with the appropriate logo.
High school students may wear the uniform white dress shirt and tie purchased at Risse Brothers.
Long or short sleeve undershirts may be worn in the following colors: white, gray, or black.
Undershirts must not hang out from the uniform shirt.
Pepin spirit shirts may be worn on Fridays. These shirts can be worn untucked.
Must be khaki (tan) in color.
Pants and shorts must be worn at the waistline and fit appropriately.
Pants must not be stretch material or form fitting.
Shorts, skirts, or skorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
No cargo style pants or shorts.
No elastic waistbands unless pre-approved for therapeutic reasons.
Black or khaki colored leggings may be worn under shorts or skirts in cold weather.
Jackets and sweatshirts worn during the day
Official Pepin Academies attire with school logo: navy blue (elementary), gray (middle) or black (high).
If not official attire, solid color only: navy blue (elementary), gray (middle) or black (high).
No lettering, designs, patterns or any other embellishment on non-official jackets and sweatshirts.
Winter jackets in different colors may be worn due to very cold weather, but must be taken off inside.
Footwear may be any color, but must have closed toes and closed heels for safety.
Sneakers, shoes, boots and loafers are allowed.
No heels, steel toes, flip-flops, or house slippers.
No shoes with wheels of any kind.
Footwear with laces must be tied properly at all times.
Hats/Head Covering
No hats or head covering may be worn at any time unless pre-approved for religious reasons.
No bandanna print headwear/accessories may be worn on campus.
A hat may be worn when appropriate during PE or cold weather, but must be removed upon entering the building.
No large or obtrusive jewelry or piercings may be worn.
All uniforms must be clean and in good repair.
Hairstyles and colors that are distracting as determined by the school administration are not permitted.
Free Dress Day
There will be days during the school year when individual students, or groups of students, are permitted a “free dress” day for a variety of reasons. The following rules apply at these times:
The rules for footwear remain the same.
The rule for hats remains the same.
No exposed shoulders or midriff (front, back, or sides).
No mesh or see-through garments.
Clothing not properly fastened or with tears that are indecent shall not be worn.
No wording or graphics that are sexually suggestive, violent, vulgar, or alcohol or drug related.
Shorts, skirts, skorts, or dresses must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.
Pants may not have rips in them.
Leggings may only be worn with a long shirt that covers lower body.
The administration reserves the right to prohibit any clothing items, accessories, or grooming styles that are deemed to be disruptive to the learning environment or to present a safety concern.